
MicrodB’s products and expertise can help you characterize and identify noise sources, whether on a bench, in a cabin, in a wind tunnel or in an outdoor environment.


Test Bench Diagnosis

Where is unwanted noise located? What changes need to be made to reduce radiated noise? What is the breakdown of radiated acoustic intensity? We can help you answer all these questions during the design, test or dimensioning phases of an acoustic solution for any product tested on a bench.

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Cabin Comfort

How to improve the acoustic comfort of a vehicle or any other cavity?  MicrodB offers several methods, from leak and weakness detection to characterization of panel acoustic transparency using array measurements. The results can be used to estimate the noise reduction achieved when the treatment is applied.

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Aeroacoustic Optimization

For land and air transport, the reduction of aeroacoustic sources helps to improve comfort inside a vehicle’s cabin with respect to external aerodynamic effects, and to reduce the noise emitted by these sources into the environment. MicrodB offers a number of array-based methodologies for identifying aeroacoustic sources related to transport and other mechanisms generating aeroacoustic phenomena such as rotating machinery (Twente).
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Pass-by Noise Analysis

In each field, manufacturers must comply with a set of regulations governing noise levels: automotive standards, aeronautics certification, water directives. Regulations set an overall noise level threshold measured by isolated microphones. Array techniques enable a more detailed analysis, based on the spatial separation of sources and the study of their contribution to the overall noise measured.
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R&D at the core of MicrodB

Research and development of new methods, new tools and new applications are the driving forces behind MicrodB’s business. Our network of academinc, industrial and institutional partners enables us to identify tomorrow’s technologies that will meet future market needs.